Valuebury - Online Course - Your First Million by Dan Lok

Your First Million

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Type: Online Course

Do you want set up your own business? Are you looking for help on how to set your own business plan so you can be a successful entrepreneur?

Then attend this LIVE online 2-hour setting up in business training, you’ll discover the ‘one shot, one kill’ 7 step method to building a 7 figure business on your first try. it doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything about running your own company, if you already have one or even if you have been working in business for 30 plus years. These are the secrets Sifu Dan used to create an 8-figure empire and build more than a dozen profitable companies. Learn from one of the most famous entrepreneurs.

After attending Your First Million training, you will never see business the same way again. Dan’s private students who learned what you’re about to discover said, “this is like an entire MBA in just 2 hours!”

  • Format: digital
  • Language: english
  • Price: $49
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Learn More About the Expert Dan Lok

Valuebury Expert Dan Lok

Dan Lok

World’s #1 Closing and Influencer Business Strategist