Valuebury - Online Course (audio) - THE POWER OF GRATITUDE™ by Mary Morrissey


FINALLY! A Way to Amplify Your Abundance in All Areas of Your Life From the Inside Out

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Type: Online Course (audio)

A 5-Part Meditation Series Designed to Help You Amplify
the Abundance In Your Life
The Power of Gratitude™ is a 5-part guided audio meditation series designed to help you tune your awareness to the frequency of gratitude, so that more and more opportunities to cultivate greater abundance in all areas of your life present themselves to you each and every day.

Each of these meditations are designed to help you deepen your gratitude practice, so that you can more easily open the door to a happier, healthier and wealthier life.

No Experience with Meditation? No Problem!
Don’t worry if you’ve never meditated before, or if you’ve tried to without a lot of success.

Meditation is simply a way of quieting of the mind, which allows you to relax and tune into the frequency of the Infinite intelligence that flows through all things in the Universe, including you and I.

This Infinite intelligence seeks to guide you away from people, experiences and things that are contractive, and toward opportunities for greater expansion, abundance and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

Most of us have a hard time tuning into this guidance from the Infinite. Often, the endless chitter chatter of our mind gets in the way!

But, with these guided meditation audios on hand, I’ll guide you through how to quiet your mind so that you can connect with Infinite intelligence more easily, and begin benefitting from its wisdom and guidance.

  • Format: digital
  • Language: english
  • Price: $27
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Learn More About the Expert Mary Morrissey

Valuebury Expert Mary Morrissey

Mary Morrissey

International Speaker, Bestselling Author and Empowerment Specialist