Valuebury - Online Course - Objection Handling Secrets by Dan Lok

Objection Handling Secrets

How to Take Full Control of Any Conversation

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Type: Online Course

What is objection handling? It is the way to deal with people who are hesitant to buy your product or service. They may not agree on the price, the product fit, they may think a competitor’s product is better or they may just want to brush you off. Many people face sales objections during their career and it can really affect the number of sales you close. Imagine being able to go into any sales conversation and avoid painful and embarrassing objections. How many deals would you close?

In this new training video, Sifu Dan Lok teaches you his unconventional and proven objection handling secrets to take full control of any conversation. You will be able to alleviates those concerns and move your deal forward.

With objective handling training, you’ll get to see Sifu Dan do live roleplays and demonstrations of how it sounds to effortlessly handle objections and get to the sale.

What You Get:
– Objection Handling Secrets Recording Digital Video Recording
– 3 Dangerous Phrases To Avoid In Sales PDF Guide
– The “Qualify Quadrant” To Minimize Objections And Avoid Time & Money Waste PDF Guide

  • Format: digital
  • Language: english
  • Price: $49
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Learn More About the Expert Dan Lok

Valuebury Expert Dan Lok

Dan Lok

World’s #1 Closing and Influencer Business Strategist