Valuebury - Online Course - Manifesting Money MasterClass by Sonia Ricotti

Manifesting Money MasterClass

Online Home-Study Program by Sonia Ricotti

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Type: Online Course

If you are experiencing some financial difficulty OR you’d simply like to learn how to manifest MORE money into your life…

I’ve created a special training for you that will teach you how to accelerate the manifestation process to attract MORE money into your life starting NOW.

I’ll guide you through the exact same steps I followed to identify and release my hidden energy blocks around money… taking me from being $124,000 in debt to living the life of financial freedom, travel and adventure that I’m blessed to be able to enjoy today.

Inside this series of 5 video modules, you’ll discover how to pinpoint and release your hidden energy blocks around manifesting money….

AND you’ll be using powerful “AM and PM Activations for Financial Abundance” to dramatically elevate your vibration so you are open to “RECEIVING” MORE WEALTH into your life.

  • Format: digital
  • Language: english
  • Price: $297
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Learn More About the Expert Sonia Ricotti

Valuebury Expert Sonia Ricotti

Sonia Ricotti

Leading Expert in Personal Transformation and #1 Bestselling Author